Following the steps below will add one or many subscribers to a list that you manage on Listserv.
Before You Begin
Add Single Subscriber to the list:
- Log In to MSU LISTSERV to see the List Management menu.
- Select Subscriber Management from the dropdown.
- Select the list that you wish to manage if it is not already selected.
- Select the Single Subscriber tab.
- In the Add New Subscriber input box, enter the email address of the person who wishes to subscribe.
- Click on the Add to listname button
- Verify that the subscriber has been added to the list:
- Locate the Examine or Delete Subscription input box on the Single Subscriber tab.
- Enter the email address that you wish to verify.
- Press the Search in listname button to search the list for the subscriber. You’ll be presented with the “View and Set Subscription Options” for that individual.
- Set the Subscription Options for the individual subscriber:
- View or change subscription options:
- View or change the Subscription type
- View or change the Mail Header Style
- View or change the Acknowledgements
- Select any Miscellaneous types of handling behavior
- Implement changes by pressing the Update button.
Add Multiple Subscribers (bulk import) to the List:
- Create a text file of subscriber email addresses, one email address per line.
- Log into List Management from MSU LISTSERV.
- Select Subscriber Management from the dropdown.
- Select the list that you wish to manage if it is not already selected.
- Select the Bulk Operations tab:
- Choose option labeled “Add the imported addresses to listname; do not remove any subscribers.”
- Import the text file that you created.
Additional Info
LISTSERV Subscribers manual (link).