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Exporting Google Calendar Data
Google provides the following guidance on exporting your data:
- Log in to the old account from which to export data
- If a warning/error message displays regarding Another User or a conflicting account, select the skip this step for now option.
- Follow the steps on this help page to export:
- Log out
Typically, a compressed (zip) file will be created and saved to your Documents or to your Downloads folder in the form
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Importing Google Calendar Data
Google provides the following guidance on importing your data:
- UNZIP the saved file (typically found in your Documents or Downloads folder in the form One or more .ics files will be created.
- Browse to and log in to the MSU-linked account using your MSU NetID and password.
- Follow the steps on this Google help page to import:
Each of the individual .ics files must be uploaded.
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Exporting Google Docs Data
Google provides the following guidance on exporting your data:
- Log in to the old account from which to export data
- If a warning/error message displays regarding Another User or a conflicting account, select the skip this step for now option.
- Follow the steps on this help page to export:
- Logout
Each file must be individually exported.
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Importing Google Docs Data
Google provides the following guidance on importing your data:
- Browse to and log in to the MSU-linked account using your MSU NetID and password.
- Follow the steps on this help page to import:
- Log out
Please note that each file must be individually imported.
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Other Issues
Additional export and import activity may be necessary for other Google Apps and services that have saved data.
Linking to outside services such as YouTube will have to be replicated in the new MSU-linked account.
Issues regarding access to continue to require special handling.
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