Forms Tracking Utility (FTU) - Dashboard - Routing Slip Detail Page


This article describes the role of the routing slip detail page in FTU.



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What is the Routing Slip Detail page?

A Dashboard page which shows all routing-related information (slip status, routing actions, actors, dates acted upon, etc.) about the current routing slip. Form information does not appear on this page. Actions performed automatically by FTU which do not require a routing action (such as pending action email notifications) are not displayed. This page has 3 sections:

  • Routing Slip - general info such as ID, Title and Status
  • Routing Process Actions - all routing actions which require that a user take action on them, the groups (and links to members) who can take action, and performed actions information. Comments entered for each routing action display here.
  • Disposition Actions - things performed "behind the scenes" (internally) by FTU, most are conditional based on routing slip completion status. These are actual routing actions which do not require a person to take action.

This page is used to check on routing slip status, the progress of a route and actors on the route.

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What is the difference between Routing Process Actions and Disposition Actions?

Both are actual routing actions:

  • Routing Process Actions are generally things that people do — approvals and reviews.
  • Disposition Actions are generally things that FTU does automatically behind the scenes — emails and scripts, and are usually done when the route has finished.

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How can an initiator or an actor get information about a routing slip, such as routing slip status, the current routing action, and a list of actors?

The Routing Slip Detail page contains information about the form and its routing slip, such as routing slip status, where it is on the route, whether the slip is complete, who has taken action so far, who has disapproved the slip and why, and who may be holding up the slip's progress. Routing actions at the current routing step are indicated by an asterisk (*). A blank "Performed By" column indicates that the action has not been acted upon. You can see the people who could have or did take action on the slip by clicking any Person/Group link on this page.

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Article ID: 1354
Fri 4/21/23 4:05 PM
Wed 7/12/23 3:59 PM

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