Enterprise Business Systems (EBS) - How to Locate a PERNR or Employee ID Information in EBS


This article describes how to locate the PERNR or employee ID information when logged in to EBS.



Following these steps will find the PERNR for either yourself or one of your employees.


EBS Portal

Before You Begin



To Find Your Own PERNR

  1. Login to the EBS Portal (link).
  2. Select My Personal Information from the top of the screen.
  3. Select Personal Profile.
  4. Expand Salary Data.
  5. Your PERNR is the 8-digit code that shows at the top of the Salary Data section (it is not labeled).

To Find an Employee PERNR as a Supervisor

  1. Login to the EBS Portal (link).
  2. Select Supervisor Tools at the top of the screen
  3. Select My Team.
  4. The PERNR is the 8-digit code listed to the right of the employee's name in the list (it is not labeled).

To Find an Employee PERNR as a Time Administrator / Unit Admin

  1. Login to the EBS Portal (link).
  2. Select Actions and choose Display and update Employee information 
  3. Search for the employee
  4. The PERNR is the 8-digit code listed to the right of the employee's name in the list (it is not labeled).

Additional Info





Article ID: 1394
Mon 4/24/23 10:32 AM
Fri 7/21/23 9:48 AM

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