GoogleApps - Known Issues with MSU GoogleApps



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This article addresses known issues with MSU Google Apps Education Edition.

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Can I log in to a Chromebook using my MSU GoogleApps account?

While allowed, it is not recommended. When your eligibility for use of GoogleApps through MSU expires after leaving the university, you will lose the ability to use the account on a Chromebook as well. This could cause major disruption to your work.

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Why can't I use my to create an account with other Google services?

Google disallows the use of conflicting account names (log-in id). Google will only allow one instance of an account name in their Google Account name database. As a log-in credential, the account for individual MSU Google Apps users is reserved for use only with MSU Google Apps.

Those who used their account to create a Google account prior to those being reserved will experience issues related to having a conflicting account credential in Google.

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Why aren't my pages displaying in English?

Unless the user has expressly selected a language, Google will localize according to the apparent physical location of the machine in use. For instance, to explicitly select a language for the Docs app:

  1. Log in to
  2. Click on the gear and select Settings.
  3. Click on the link to Change language settings.
  4. Select your choice of Language
  5. Click the Done button.

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Why do I get a cryptic error message when accessing other Google services?

MSU GoogleApps offers a selected suite of Google services. Services not offered must be accessed using a private Google account. An error message displays if you attempt to access these services while logged in to GoogleApps.

Not all of these services will fail gracefully upon making such an attempt to log in.

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Why has my 3rd party app (or other client application) stopped working? (Data/records accessed through Google APIs)

Google periodically updates, changes, and deprecates its APIs. When an API is deprecated, referencing code will cease to work. A typical statement published by Google prior to deprecation is:

Over the past few years, we've been updating our APIs with new versions across Drive and Calendar, as well as those used for managing Google Apps for Work domains. These new APIs offered developers several improvements over older versions of the API. With each of these introductions, we also announced the deprecation of a set of corresponding APIs.

For more information about the available APIs and their use, see

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Log-in with MSU account from Google log-in.

Logging in at by selecting your chosen app may automatically send you to the MSU log-in screen. If Google sends you to the the Google log-in instead of the MSU log-in, follow these instructions:

  1. Enter your full email address that ends with "" into the email field.
  2. Leave the password field blank.
  3. Click the Sign in button.
  4. Google will bounce you over to the MSU Sign-in page.
  5. Log-in to your MSU account.

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Article ID: 855
Fri 3/17/23 8:59 AM
Wed 10/23/24 9:07 AM

Related Services / Offerings

Related Services / Offerings (1)

Google Apps for Education Edition, supporting Google Docs, Google Calendar and Google Sites. Access to these services is via MSU NetIDs and Passwords (IT Services' IdM Team).