FTU resources are:
- Documentation - user guides in PDF format
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - answers to commonly asked questions, arranged by major category
- Training - a series of online modules that explain how to approve forms and use other FTU features
- Getting assistance - how to contact the FTU Support team
Documentation — User Guides:
FTU user and administrator documentation is available online to supplement your web-based learning.
Quick Reference Guides:
High-level summary of the form approval process with abbreviated user instructions (3-panel format).
Guide can be printed and used as a tri-fold brochure.
FTU Dashboard Quick Reference Guide (PDF)
User Guides:
Detailed step-by-step user instructions with full explanation and images
Training online modules:
Learn at your own pace, any time, anywhere with web-based training modules. The former classroom training session has been captured into topic-specific video modules. Start from the beginning and watch the modules in sequence, or select a topic from the course Online Tutorials list below. There is no charge for this training and you can access it as often as you like. Modules are viewed in your web browser and no login is required. Closed captioning is available.
Getting Started:
The web-based training modules are delivered using MSU's Kaltura MediaSpace web site. See the Kaltura MediaSpace Help for assistance with browser compatibility and media player use.
In the modules, the mouse pointer is captured to draw attention to various parts of the screen. To avoid confusion, move your mouse pointer off the screen.
Online Tutorials:
Click a module name to begin a training session. Modules open in a new browser window or tab -- close when you are finished.
- Introduction (6 minutes)
- Overview
- Benefits
- FTU emails
- Getting to the Dashboard
- Contact IT Services
- Dashboard Overview (6 minutes)
- FTU actors
- Dashboard layout and navigation
- Date ranges
- Routing slip status
- Initiators (3 minutes)
- Routing slip initiator (form creator) and preferences
- Approvers (14 minutes)
- Routing slip approvers
- Pending Actions list (my to-do list)
- Routing slip details (steps in the approval route)
- Routing slip content (form image)
- How to approve a form
- Disapprovals and Comments (3 minutes)
- Disapprove a routing slip
- Timeouts
- Make comments about a routing slip
- Upcoming Actions (3 minutes)
- Routing actions that will need my action in the near future
- Adding Approvers and Reviewers (7 minutes)
- Performed Actions (3 minutes)
- Rear View (2 minutes)
- Things I have done or could have done
- Preferences, Online Help, My Groups (10 minutes)
- Setting user preferences
- Using online Help
- My Groups page
Additional Assistance:
If you need assistance with training or if you have any questions, you can contact the MSU IT Service Desk. A member of the FTU support staff will then contact you.
For support, contact the MSU IT Service Desk at 517-432-6200.
Other contact options for the IT Service Desk are available in the
Live Support Options section of the main
Client Portal page (link).