TechSmith - Downloading and Using Camtasia and Snagit


MSU now has a site license with TechSmith for Camtasia and Snagit allowing faculty, staff and students to download the popular screenshot and video editing software at no additional cost through June of 2023.

Snagit -  Capture screenshots, even when the page scrolls, for vibrant teaching content. Add your own arrows, text, and more, to get your point across. Record quick videos (even your webcam) to share with your students.

Camtasia - Record video lessons showing your screen, PowerPoint, webcam, or bring in footage from your camera or the web. Edit it the way you want, with animations, music, and more. Add quizzes and captions, too.


The software can be downloaded at no additional cost for faculty, staff, and students through:

  • By self-enrolling and completing the following D2L course:
  • Downloading both from the MSU OnTheHub:
    1. Once logged in search for either Camtasia or Snagit.
    2. On the software's page select either Windows or Mac for the platform.
    3. Click Add to Cart.
    4. Once both Camtasia and Snagit have been added to your cart click Check Out.
    5. Note the software license number for each and download the software on the next screen.
    6. If you have a desktop and a laptop, you can use the same license number to install on both machines

Tutorials and contacting support

To learn more about Camtasia and Snagit, including demos and helpful tutorials, visit: 

For a Camtasia guide on how to create instructional videos, visit:



Article ID: 973
Sat 3/18/23 2:53 PM
Fri 5/10/24 4:03 PM