Frequently Asked Questions About the Health Colleges (HC) FileShare (network drive)


This document outlines how the Health Colleges (HC) access their FileShare ( network drives



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How do I quickly access

For Windows, once connected to the F5 Campus VPN (BIG-IP Edge Client) the Shares shortcut will become available on the desktop. Double-click the Shares shortcut to access that folder.


Subsequently, you can also access the Shares folder by navigating to the Network Locations tab by clicking on the Start button, going to Computer, and then Network Location

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How do I create a shortcut to other folders within the Shares drive?

To create additional shortcuts to your desktop follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Shares specific folder-location that you would like to create a shortcut for.
  2. Right-click on the folder
  3. Highlight Send to
  4. Select Desktop (create shortcut).
  5. A shortcut is then created on your desktop to that specific folder-location.

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How do I create a shortcut on my personal computer?

To create a shortcut on your personal Windows computer follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Network Location tab by clicking on the Start button, going to Computer, and then Network Location
  2. Right-click on the background in the Network Location area and select Add a network location.
  3. Click Next, and select Choose a customer network location and click Next
  4. For the internet or network address type \\\shares\ to add the main Shares folder.
  5. Click Next and Finish.

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My shortcut doesn't work, how do I fix it?

If you double click on a shortcut and get a “Problem with shortcut” error, click Yes to delete the shortcut or right-click the shortcut and select Delete. From there, open the Shares shortcut on your desktop, select your college, then navigate to the file you would like to create a shortcut to. Right-click on the file, highlight Send to, and click Desktop.


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How do I create a shortcut on my Mac computer?

If you're using a Mac computer, either personal or work computer, follow these steps to create a shortcut to the "Shares" folder:

  1. If you're off-campus connect to the Campus F5 VPN (BIG-IP Edge Client). For setup instructions see: F5 Campus VPN setup for macOS (link)
  2. Open Finder and click on Go (towards the top left), and select Connect to Server...
  3. Depending on which college you work for use one of the following locations:
    • Nursing: smb://
    • CHM: smb://es/CHM/Shares
    • COM: smb://es/COM/Shares
    • HealthCare: smb://
  4. After entering your location click Connect.

  5. When prompted to login select Registered User and enter your CampusAD username (NetID) and password as:
    • Name: campusad\username
    • Password: your CampusAD\NetID password

  6. Select the right college from the option on selecting volumes you want to mount, and click Ok.
  7. Two folders then get mounted on your desktop.

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Article ID: 1083
Mon 3/20/23 12:30 PM
Mon 2/19/24 3:43 PM