When trying to access the financial aid portal and select your student's name, you receive an error saying: "There has been an error validating your user credentials. Please contact your system administrator."
SIS Campus Solutions (
The STUDENT must:
- Login at
- Select the Financial Aid tile
- Select Financial Aid Portal on the left side of the screen
- Select the Open Financial Aid Portal button that appears
- On the Financial Aid home screen, select their Name in the top-right corner and select Profile
- On the Profile page, scroll down to Manage Proxy Access
- In the Add/Edit Proxy Portal Access section, select the Add Guest icon
- Enter the Guest Email Address
- Select to fill the Proxy/Guest checkbox
- Select Save
- You're done!
For instructions complete with screenshots, please see this SIS help page (link). On that page, expand Financial Aid under the Frequently Asked Questions section toward the bottom.
This error is likely caused by the student granting access in the SIS Campus Solutions system, at, but not also adding access in the SIS Student Financial Portal (SFP) system.