TeamDynamix – Effort Reporting Definitions, Expectations and FAQs


This document provides an overview of key elements of Effort Reporting as well as new terminology and expectations to help ensure successful Effort Reporting engagement.



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Effort Reporting in TeamDynamix (TDX) is the latest element of MSU IT’s move to becoming a service-oriented organization. This activity builds on the TDX implementation and the creation of the Educause-aligned Service Portfolio that identifies core services provided. Effort Reporting (ER) will allow us to collect data related to effort, service, resource, and activity (project, ticket). This data will allow Service Owners to better understand how services are utilized and drive planning and decision-making. Effort Reporting will begin formally in July 2024 (onboarding will occur in May & June). The plan is to iterate and improve the tool to mature into a critical tool for Service Owners and Supervisors.

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  • Workspace - A team of people supporting a service or a group of related services. In effort reporting staff will be assigned to a Workspace.
  • Time Type - Relates to the services provided by individuals. Most of these will be associated with an individual’s Workspace, but others can be added for those who provide services outside their assigned Workspace.
  • TDX Support Group - A group of people who support a function in TDX. TDX Support Groups were part of the original TDX setup.

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  • Effort Reporting should be completed by end of work week.
  • Full-time staff should report 40 hours as standard. Non-FT staff report appropriate hours.
  • Do NOT use ‘Submit Final’ button when weekly entry complete. If you do, ask the supervisor to Reject the submission.
  • On Mondays, Supervisors will get a report of the team reporting the previous week for follow-up.
  • Effort should be reported in 15-minute increments (NOTE: TDX will allow any increment)
  • Supervisors will need to update Workspaces and TDX Support groups as staff onboard and offboard. Also, requests will need to be done to add/remove staff from the Admin effort bucket. We have a future roadmap item to align Workspace and TDX support group so the updates only need to be done once.

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Frequently Asked Questions

I have a specific scenario of my effort and am not sure where to put it. What do I do?

Work with your Service Owner/Supervisor to identify the appropriate bucket.


I hit the ‘Submit Final’ button on my Time Report. What do I do?

Supervisor can reject or submit a ticket to unsubmit.


What do I do if I have an issue or request?

 Log a ticket via this link. Need to add link once we build it.PLACEHOLDER


What is the Time Type ‘Operational Work’ and should I use it?

The Time Type ‘Operational Work’ is an artifact of building the Effort Reporting tool in TDX and should never be used. Always use the Time Types associated with your Workspace (the service you provide).


What qualifies as Administrative Time?

Administrative time is any activity during working time not associated with fulfilling a specific activity or service. This includes: 1 on 1 meetings, staff meetings, professional development / training, team building, relationship development, effort entry, etc.


What are the Billable/Non-Billable sections on the left side of the Time Report for?

These are not in use, but cannot be removed. Please ignore for now. We will be working to include more financial information in the future and may utilize this section.


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Additional Info

  • Video on effort reporting: TDX - ER Demo v1.2 (link)
  • Link to printable job aids: TDX - ER Job Aids
  • Link to additional TDX Training: TeamDynamix – Training Resources (link, KB 1840)


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Article ID: 1973
Thu 5/23/24 2:03 PM
Wed 8/21/24 10:22 AM

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