Spartan 365 - How to Check Your Spartan Mail Quota


Following these steps will find how much storage space your Spartan Mail email account is using and how much you have left available.



Following these steps will find how much storage space your Spartan Mail email account is using and how much you have left available.


Spartan Mail

Before You Begin

You can check your quota from either a local Outlook client, or from the website


From Local Outlook Client

  1. Open Outlook
  2. Select File
  3. Look under Mailbox Settings for a bar representing your used and free space. Under the bar it will say how much you have free out of your quota.
  4. Subtract the free space from the quota and that will give you the size of your mail account. In the example below, 25GB quota minus 18.4GB free equals 6.6 GB used


  1. Login to using your MSU email address and NetID password
  2. Select the cogwheel in the upper-right corner of the screen and choose View All Outlook Settings
  3. Select General from the left side of the Settings menu
  4. Select Storage. Your quota and current usage will be displayed.

Additional Info

The default quota for Spartan Mail accounts is 25 GB.

  • If you approach your quota, you should receive a warning. If your quota is exceeded, initially, will receive new email but not be able to send email.
  • If your quota is exceeded, you normally can delete old sent email and/or old email messages. Simply select a range of emails (shift-click selection) and then delete them, and then delete your trash.
  • You can request to have your quota increased in 5GB increments by submitting a request.
  • There are three stages of quota warnings.
    • The first stage is a warning email(s) that the system sends that indicates your mailbox is almost full (usually starts within 2GB of the mailbox being full).
    • When the second stage occurs, the mailbox will no longer be able to send messages but will still receive them, this is generally when the mailbox is about 1GB from being full.
    • When the last stage occurs, the mailbox will no longer be able to send or receive emails and will fail anything that is sent to the mailbox. This is when the mailbox is at or over the total capacity, here is a list of everything that was failed during the time your mailbox was in the last part.



Article ID: 767
Mon 3/13/23 11:31 AM
Fri 5/10/24 3:49 PM

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