Kaltura MediaSpace - How to Download your Media Files from MediaSpace


Following these steps will download a copy of a media file from mediaspace.msu.edu to your computer.



Following the steps below will download a copy of a media file from mediaspace.msu.edu to your computer.


Kaltura MediaSpace

Before You Begin

You will need your NetID password to log in to view the My Media section of MediaSpace. See KB 1085 (link) for instructions to reset the password if needed


  1. Navigate to mediaspace.msu.edu (link)
  2. Select My Media from the navigation menu on the page
  3. Log in using your MSU email and password.
  4. Find the media you want to download.
  5. Select the pencil icon at the far right of the media title to enter Edit mode for the media
  6. Select the Transcoding tab.
  7. In the Download column, choose the file type you want to download (Source is the orignal file), select the Flavor Actions, and then select Download
  8. You're done!

Additional Info

Additional help resources are available from the Help menu (link) on MediaSpace.



Article ID: 1101
Mon 3/20/23 2:54 PM
Tue 8/8/23 11:56 AM