Spartan 365 - How to Connect to Spartan Mail on Your iOS Device


Following these steps will connect your MSU Spartan Mail account to your iOS device.



Following these steps will connect your MSU Spartan Mail account to your iOS device.


These instructions and screenshots were created on iOS16. Alternate versions may differ from what is shown.

Before You Begin

You will be prompted for multi-factor authentication (MFA) during this process, so be sure to have your credential ready.

These instructions use the built-in mail app for iOS. For instructions to use Microsoft Outlook, please see this page (link) on MSU does not require the Intune Company Portal, so you can skip step 1.


  1. Go to Settings on your iOS device
  2. Select Mail
  3. Select Accounts
  4. Select Add Account
  5. Select Microsoft Exchange from the list.
  6. On the new account window, you will have the Email, and Description fields.
    • Email: enter your msu email address. Use the format, replacing "netid" with your own.
    • Description: enter what you want to name the account, for example: MSU Email.
  7. Select Next in the top-right corner.
  8. You will be prompted to sign in to your Exchange account. Select Sign In.
  9. You should now get prompted to log in from (Okta). Your Email should be pre-filled in. Enter your NetID password and select the blue Sign In button.
  10. Okta will now prompt for MFA verification. Select the method you prefer and complete the verification.
  11. On the new screen, choose what options you would like enabled or disabled, and then select Save in the top right corner.
  12. You're done! Your MSU Spartan Mail account should now appear in the list under Accounts.

Additional Info

To change how much email is synced to your iOS device, see this article (link) for instructions.



Article ID: 755
Tue 3/7/23 12:52 PM
Fri 5/10/24 3:05 PM

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