MSU Print

What Is the Service?

MSU Print provides maintenance and support for printers located across the MSU campus. MSU IT analysts are responsible for ensuring that printers remain operational and addressing any technical issues, from paper jams to connectivity problems. MSU Print aims to maintain reliable access to printing resources for the campus community.

Service Offerings Available by Request:

  • MSU Print Credit
    • Refund requests: Ensuring you are not charged if there is a technical issue with the printers.
  • MSU Print Service
    • Printer Maintenance and Repair: Troubleshooting and resolving technical printer issues.
    • Supply Management: Assistance with printer supplies such as toner and paper.

MSU Print is the centrally supported printing solution for MSU students. More than 6.5 million pages are printed each year in computer labs, classrooms, and online. Read more about getting started with MSU Print.

Who Is Eligible to Use It?

MSU Print services are available to all MSU departments, faculty, staff, and students using campus printers.


If printing from a computer in the lab, your print job will come off the local printer assigned to that lab.
If using your laptop, log into MSU Print with your MSU NetID credentials, and then go to the “Web Print” section of the application.


Page prints can be purchased by credit card, Spartan Cash, and student receivable accounts. Current rates can be found on

Service Level Info

This service is supported 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year with regularly scheduled maintenance periods. Service requests are acknowledged within 48 hours. When a request is made, an expected fulfillment date is provided and sent to the individual requesting the service.

Special Considerations

Not all printing options are available on all printers.  Double-sided printing counts as two pages.

Request an MSU Print Credit Request MSU Print Service

Related Articles (3)

MSU has 3D printing available through the Hollander MakeCentral MakerSpace. This is a link to their webpage and contact information.
Following these steps will add money to your MSU printing account, which will allow you to print using the many printers located around campus.
Select locations around campus have Spartan card ID readers on the MSUPRINT printers. This article details how to use them to release print jobs.

Service Offerings (2)

MSU Print Credit
Use this form to apply for a credit request for MSU Print printing problems.
MSU Print Service
MSU Print provides maintenance and support for printers located across the MSU campus. MSU IT analysts are responsible for ensuring that printers remain operational and addressing any technical issues, from paper jams to connectivity problems. MSU Print aims to maintain reliable access to printing.