New Tableau Site

Your Site

In Tableau server, sites can be thought of as shared spaces that you control access to—users can only access sites where they’ve been granted access.

Server Environments and Migrations

MSU has three Tableau server environments: Test, QA, and production.

  • Test: As users developer Tableau workbooks locally using Tableau Desktop, they can publish their work to the test server to see how the information looks in the server environment. Use test as a sandbox for ideas.
  • QA: Once the creator of a workbook is happy with how it looks on test, they can request it be migrated to QA (quality assurance). QA is where the creator of a workbook can validate their work with business owners. Users may not publish to QA or overwrite changes to existing workbooks.
  • Production: Production is where end users view the content. No changes to content should be published directly to production without going through the migration process. Users may not publish to production or overwrite changes to existing workbooks.

Generally, we create sites in the test server first. Once a workbook is ready to be migrated, we will create a site in QA and then production. When you are ready to migrate a workbook, use the Request a Workbook Migration option.

Adding Users to Your Site

Adding users to your site can be completing via an access request. Please follow the instructions here once you’re ready to add users to your site.

Create a New Site on Tableau Server


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