IBIO Facilities Requests

Integrative Biology Systems Status

IBIO Facilities Requests

Use the Request IBIO Facilities Service button to submit a ticket to the IBIO Facilities Management team for any of the following:

General Service Request
Request general service or items not described in other options (e.g. help moving items, preventative maintenance on AC units, phones and IT issues)
Schedule/Cancel Meeting Room Reservations
Request/cancel reservations for a meeting room.
Note that recurring reservations are only valid for one semester!
Request Major Equipment Training
Request training on major IBIO equipment (e.g. Autoclaves, freezers, ice machines).
Note that trainings are only for PIs; PIs are responsible for training their laboratory personnel.
Report a Facilities Issue
Report issues with interior/exterior of buildings and rooms, as well as department owned equipment.
Note that requests after hours and on weekends should be reported directly to IPF at 517-353-1760.
Request Surplus Pickup or Containers
Request surplus pickup of items or containers for future surplus pickups.
Request Access - PIs Only
Request key and/or swipe access addition/removal for buildings and rooms.
Note that PIs should only request access for personnel where all required trainings have been completed.
Request Custodial Service
Request (free) yearly detailed cleaning for laboratory and offices.
Request Equipment Repair
Request assistance identifying service/repairs for PI-owned equipment.
Note that the PI is responsible for all costs associated with repair.
Suggest Improvement
Have an idea for how to improve our facilities, infrastructure, and equipment? Share it here!

While we can't promise immediate action, we'll keep a running list for future A&I requests and other opportunities.