D2L - How to Change the End Dates for a Course


Following these steps will change the End Date for a course in D2L, affecting when students will be able to see and access it.



Following these steps will change the End Date for a course in D2L, affecting when students will be able to see and access it.



Before You Begin

The steps below will change the end date for everyone in the course. See the Additional Info section if you only wish to change the end date for selected students in the course.


  1. Log in to D2L
  2. Open the course where you wish to change the end date
  3. Select Course Admin
  4. Select Course Offering Information
  5. Scroll down and check the box for Course has end date
  6. Enter the date and time desired for the course to end

Additional Info

To re-open the course for just a few selected users, the Service Desk will need to give them the role - Past Course Student.  The course will still need to be active, and any items/activities that the users need to access will require the instructor to change the end dates for those specifically.



Article ID: 828
Thu 3/16/23 4:24 PM
Fri 5/10/24 3:52 PM