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It is best to clear cache/cookies before taking a quiz in D2L. If you have a problem during a quiz, closing and re-launching your browser is the quickest fix.
This error is generally caused by an incorrect password.
This goes over some of the basics of D2l Gradebooks, including terminology.
Following these steps will add or update a SCORM/xAPI object to a course in D2L.
Following these steps will add users to a given course in D2L.
Following these steps will enable D2L to send popup windows to your browser, which may be necessary for certain course content.
Following these steps will change the role of a selected individual within a D2L course.
Following these steps will change the End Date for a course in D2L, affecting when students will be able to see and access it.
Following these steps will change the grading scale on a D2L course to be on a standard 4.0 scale.
An instructor may want to re-use certain course modules that they have created in previous semesters. This article guides through how to accomplish that.
This article links to the information on that details how to create these links.
A Submission Folder is sometimes referred to as a dropbox. Follow these steps to create one for your course in D2L.
Following these steps will compose and send an email to either the entire classlist for the course, or to the students you individually select.
By default, emails from D2L are only sent to internal D2L email addresses. Users must opt-in to forward D2L emails to their MSU Spartan Mail accounts