D2L - How To Create D2L Self-Enrollment Links


Following these steps will create a self-enrollment link to allow users to enroll themselves in a course you've set up in D2L.



Before You Begin

You will need to have a course populated in D2L to follow this process.


  1. Once your course has been populated in D2L, navigate to https://apps.d2l.msu.edu/selfenroll.
  2. Here you will see a list of courses currently available for self-enrollment.
  3. Select the desired course.
  4. Select Enable to turn self-enrollment on.
  5. Enter a description, if desired.
  6. Check the boxes next to the roles that will be allowed to self-enroll in the course. These are the global D2L roles that are allowed to self-enroll. For example, if you want to allow only Faculty to enroll in your course, you would check only that box.
  7. If you would like to limit the number of users allowed to enroll in the course, check the box below to Enrollment Cap and enter the total number of enrollments accepted.
  8. If you would like to receive an email notification when a user self-enrolls, check the box below Enrollment Notification
  9. The link to the self-enrollment page can be found at the bottom. This is the link that can be sent to users in order to self-enroll in the course.

Additional Info

More information is available on this D2L Help Page (link).

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