How to Grant a Student Special Access to Take a Quiz in D2L - For Instructors


Following these steps will grant special access to take a quiz outside of the standard times and/or attempts allowed.



Following these steps will grant special access to take a quiz outside of the standard times and/or attempts allowed.



Before You Begin



  1. Go to Assessments > Quizzes
  2. Select the down arrow next to the desired Quiz and select Edit
  3. Expand Availability Dates & Conditions
  4. Select Manage Special Access
  5. In most cases, you leave Allow selected users special access to this quiz selected.
    1. Allow only users with special access to see this quiz hides the quiz from everyone except users with special access.
  6. Select the Add Users to Special Access button
  7. Change the start and end so the student can access the quiz at the correct time
  8. Change the timing if desired. If you want to give more than one attempt follow steps 7 and 8, if not skip to 9
  9. Select the checkbox next to Override Attempts Allowed
  10. Select the desired number in the attempts allowed drop down and select Apply
  11. Search for the student in question and check the checkbox next to their name (if the student is on another page, you may need to repeat above steps)
  12. Select the blue Save Button
  13. Select Save and close on the Special Access Menu.
  14. Save and close out of the quiz
  15. You're done! You've added special access for the selected student(s) to take the quiz.

Additional Info

For information about the new quiz experience, please see this D2L Help page (link).

Extra time across all quizzes can be set using the Accommodations tool. Please see this D2L Help Page (link).



Article ID: 831
Thu 3/16/23 4:34 PM
Thu 12/21/23 10:12 AM