D2L - How to Change the Grade Scale to 4.0 on a D2L Course - For Instructors


Following these steps will change the grading scale on a D2L course to be on a standard 4.0 scale.



Following these steps will change the grading scale on a D2L course to be on a standard 4.0 scale.



Before You Begin



  1. Select Assessments>Grades
  2. Select the Schemes tab
  3. Select the blue New Scheme button
  4. Enter a name
  5. Enter symbol names and % ranges -it starts from 0% and goes up from there
  6. There is a box at the bottom to add additional ranges as needed. Typically an additional 5 are needed.
  7. Once all ranges are set, select the blue Save and Close button at the bottom of the page

Additional Info

You can either make this the default for all grade items (all grade items will show the grade on 4.0 scale and not a percentage if this is done) or you can apply it to an individual grade item or the Final Calculated Grade.

To make it default for all grade items, on the Schemes tab, select the checkmark under "set as dault". This will move the checkmark over to the default scheme column. This will replace the percentage view with the 4.0 Grade scale.

To make it default for a single grade item or the Final Calculated Grade, take the following steps:

  1. Select the Manage Grades tab or Select Assessments > Grades
  2. Select the pulldown menu next to the grade item or the Final Calculated Grade and choose Edit, or click directly on the name.
  3. In the dropdown menu under Grade Scheme, select the name of the scheme that was created.
  4. Select the blue Save and Close button at the bottom of the page.



Article ID: 832
Thu 3/16/23 4:38 PM
Fri 5/10/24 7:17 PM

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