Learning Space and Classroom Repair

What Is the Service?

MSU IT provides Learning Space and Classroom Repair to MSU faculty, staff, and administrators when media equipment and technical assistance is needed for regularly scheduled classes, computer lab classes, commencement, training sessions, or special events.

Service Offerings Available by Request:

  • Learning Space and Classroom Repair
    MSU IT provides Learning Space and Classroom Repair to MSU faculty, staff, and administrators when media equipment and technical assistance is needed for regularly scheduled classes, computer lab classes, commencement, training sessions, or special events.

Is Eligible to Use It?

MSU IT offers room design along with equipment installation, maintenance, and repair services to the campus community, to keep classrooms and university spaces in working order.

How Do I Use It?

Maintenance and Repair
Equipment repairs and maintenance are available on a variety of equipment in classrooms, computer labs, or other university spaces. These services are provided on a charge basis covering equipment, materials, parts and labor.

  • Televisions
  • DVD/VCR players
  • Video/data projectors
  • Cameras
  • Microphones
  • Speakers
  • Amplifiers