Respondus - What is the Help Center for Lockdown Browser and Respondus Monitor

Help Center is a feature for LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor that enables students and help desks to more easily troubleshoot technical issues with a student's computer.

The Help Center button will appear on the toolbar in LockDown Browser once a student has accessed a course in their LMS.

The Respondus Monitor Help Center contains three areas:

  • Pre-exam Webcam Check – Enables a student to check their webcam functionality, prior to an exam.
  • System & Network Check – Runs a series of diagnostic checks to make sure the student's computer is functioning properly and meets the minimum requirements. The results of the system check can be emailed to a help desk for further troubleshooting.
  • Knowledge Base – This student-centric knowledge base provides answers to the top questions or issues that relate to using LockDown Browser and a webcam (ie Respondus Monitor).
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