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This article provides an overview of Microsoft Power BI and how to request the service.
It is a serious violation of MSU's Statement of Acceptable Use and federal law Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA) to share copyrighted files from your computer or other device attached to the network.
Articles are ordered first by article type, then by the device / OS at issue, then alphabetically within those groups.
This article gives guidance to how knowledge articles should be structured and written in the TeamDynamix Knowledge Base.
What templates are available to use in Knowledge Articles and how are they used?
Details about tags in the Knowledge Base and how they should be used.
This document gives details about how to install Citrix client to be able to access the Power Builder applications.
This document provides an overview of key elements of Effort Reporting as well as new terminology and expectations to help ensure successful Effort Reporting engagement.
This article includes known issues in the TeamDynamix work management solution (ITSM, ESM, PPM, and related integrations but not including iPaaS).
Emails sent with any of the conditions listed in this article will be prevented from creating a ticket in TeamDynamix. This is meant to sanitize inputs and prevent competing auto-replies from creating infinite loops in processing.
Live On ( is the primary website related to student housing at MSU.
Link to the Workstation Management SharePoint site, which describes the program and has links for Effortless PC, etc.
A Chromebook extension for LockDown Browser is available for exams delivered in D2L Brightspace. This solution is for student-owned and also managed devices. The LockDown Browser Chromebook extension also supports Respondus Monitor.