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What is ESET and Why do I Need to know about it?
To protect systems and data against viruses and malware, MSU IT provides endpoint security protection at no cost to departments, faculty, researchers, and staff.
The software is called ESET Protect or ESET Internet Security
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What do I need to do to get ESET on my Work PC?
Your MSU computer should already have ESET Protect installed on it. Please direct any problems or questions to the local/unit IT or endpoint administrator for your unit or call the MSU IT Service Desk (link) at (517)432-6200
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Is there a home version of ESET for my personal device?
All faculty, staff, and researchers will continue to have free access to individual licenses for home/personal devices via download at Additional details and instructions are available on the MSUIT Client Portal: Anti-Virus - Start Here (link)
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If I have a problem with ESET on my home PC where can I get help with the issue
If you require support for your ESET personal use home product, please refer to the official documentation or support channels.
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Known Issues
ESET may cause slowdowns when retrieving email. The fix is detailed in KB 1170 (link).
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Where can I find more information on ESET (link).
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