D2L - How to Merge Courses


Following these steps will merge two courses together in D2L, leaving only one course remaining.



Following these steps will merge two courses together in D2L, leaving only one course remaining.



Before You Begin

  • All courses to be merged must be empty of content.
  • The person doing the merge must be a Course Administrator in every course being merged.
  • The person doing the merge will not have the 'Merge Courses' option listed below unless their role in D2L is 'Faculty'. If they have a student role in D2L, they can use the link below.
    • The link to merge courses is: https://apps.d2l.msu.edu/create/merge.
    • If a faculty or staff member has the role of student, the service desk can send the above link, and then send a ticket to ITS Scholarly Services to update their role in D2L.


  1. Log into D2L
  2. Select the Merge Courses link in the navigation bar under My Courses.
  3. Select the desired semester, which will bring up a list of their sections.
  4. Select the courses you want to merge.
  5. Enter a title for this new group of courses.
  6. Select Merge
  7. Once those steps are completed it can take around 10 - 15 minutes for the course to be created. You should receive an email when the course is ready in D2L.

Additional Info

Once the merge is complete you can enter the course, add content, and class information just like any other course.  All of the merged sections will be set to Inactive by default, so students will not see them.

If you have added content to a source course, you cannot merge it. If the content isn't already in another course, such as a development course, create a dev course, and copy the content into it. Then use Course Admin > Course Reset to delete the course content in the source course (make sure you are in the source course before completing the reset). You can then merge the course using the steps above.

Additional Information on Merging courses:

More information on Course Reset and Dev Courses:



Article ID: 810
Thu 3/16/23 3:14 PM
Fri 5/10/24 3:58 PM