- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Learning Management
PlayPosit is integrated with D2L and Kaltura MediaSpace. These links go to instructional videos and training how to use PlayPosit.
- Knowledge Base
- Communication and Collaboration
- Email and Collaboration Services
Compares Microsoft OneDrive vs Microsoft Sharepoint based on: what data is appropriate to store there; cost; capacity; and technical complexity.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Lecture Capture
Kaltura REACH is the Kaltura service for providing captions and enrichment services
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Lecture Capture
You have a MediaSpace video you wish to share with others, but they are not able to see it.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Lecture Capture
Following these steps will download a copy of a media file from mediaspace.msu.edu to your computer.