Microsoft OneDrive
OneDrive offers users a simple way to store, sync and share files with other people and devices. The files stored in OneDrive can be accessed directly from a web browser or from an operating system.
Data Allowed
- Public
- Private / Moderate Risk
- Confidential – PII (Personally Identifiable Information)
- Confidential – Research (Whose premature release would be detrimental)
- Confidential – FERPA (Student Educational Record)
- Confidential – HIPAA (Protected Health Information)
- 5 TB per person
- 1 TB per Team site
Technical Complexity

Microsoft SharePoint
Microsoft SharePoint offers users a simple way to store, sync and share files with other people and devices. The files stored in Microsoft SharePoint can be accessed directly from a web browser or from an operating system.
Data Allowed
- Public
- Private / Moderate Risk
- Confidential – PII (Personally Identifiable Information)
- Confidential – Research (Whose premature release would be detrimental)
- Confidential – FERPA (Student Educational Record)
- Confidential – HIPAA (Protected Health Information)
Technical Complexity

Elastic Storage
Elastic Storage provides manageable shared file storage faculty, staff, student, contractors, and campus affiliates can access from their many devices. It may require users to have VPN installed and configured.
Data Allowed
- Public
- Private / Moderate Risk
- Confidential – PII (Personally Identifiable Information)
- Confidential – FERPA (Student Educational Record)
- Confidential – Research (Whose premature release would be detrimental)
- Confidential - HIPAA
While Elastic Storage has been approved as HIPAA compliant, it should not be used to store social security numbers (SSN), credit cards, or bank data (PCI).
- Each 1 TB increment is billed monthly
- Please consult for volumes larger than 100 TB.
Technical Complexity

Kaltura Mediaspace
Kaltura MediaSpace is a cloud service providing storage and delivery of online learning media and academic videos for MSU students, faculty, and staff. Access through (link).
Data Allowed
- Public
- Sensitive / Moderate Risk
Technical Complexity

Additional Information
Visit this site for more detailed information about storage options/usage: (link).