Cognos - How to Schedule Reports in Cognos

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Following these steps will enable you to run reports automatically on a schedule of your choosing.



Before You Begin

If you have certain reports that you run on a regular basis, for example at the end of each month, you may want to schedule those reports to run automatically rather than manually running them, especially if the report takes a long time to run.

When scheduling reports that have prompts that are date driven (such as prompts on fiscal year, fiscal period, etc.) you need to create more than one schedule per report. For example, if a report prompts on fiscal year and fiscal period, you could create a schedule for each fiscal period for the current fiscal year. After the scheduled report runs for the current fiscal period, the schedule can be updated for the next fiscal year prompt value. Or, you could create a single scheduled instance and increment the fiscal period each month.

Because the data warehouse is updated overnight, scheduling a report to run in the middle of the night may result in incorrect data or the report may fail to run. We recommend you schedule reports to run between 7:00 – 10:00 am and 2:00 – 5:00 pm.


To create a report view

  1. Locate the report you wish to create a view for.
  2. Click the ellipsis that appears when you mouse over the report title.
  3. Click Create report view.
  4. When prompted for a save location, click My content.

  5. Change the title of the report view if you wish and click Save.

To schedule a report

  1. Create a report view using the directions above.
  2. Click My content.
  3. Locate the report view you wish to schedule and click the ellipsis that appears to bring up the More menu.
  4. Click Properties.

  5. Click Schedule and +New to create a schedule.

Additional Info




Article ID: 1004
Sat 3/18/23 5:44 PM
Wed 7/5/23 4:33 PM

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