Forms Tracking Utility (FTU) - Frequently Asked Quesionts About Email Notifications


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Can I control how often I receive email notifications? Can I limit emails to once a day or stop them altogether?

Yes, you can set your FTU email preferences to control the frequency of FTU emails that announce new routing actions requiring your approval. However, preferences do not control form application-specific emails sent when the routing slip is completed (for example, to notify the form initiator of the slip's final status and possibly a disapproval reason). Immediate emails contain a link that takes you directly to a specific routing action in the FTU Dashboard where you can take action. Daily emails have a link that takes you to the FTU Dashboard Pending Actions list, and you must choose a specific routing action to approve.

To set your Pending Action email preferences:

  1. In the FTU navigation area, select Preferences.
  2. On the "Preferences" page, scroll down to the "E-mail Preferences" section.
  3. Select an email frequency for both Approval Action Frequency and Review Action Frequency. Be sure to click the Save button at the bottom of the page to save your changes.

Email settings are:

  • Immediate (default): Send a separate email notification for each new routing action needing approval.
  • Daily: Send one email notification per day, if one or more new pending actions are waiting for approval.
  • Suppress: Do not send email notifications or pending actions, I will check the FTU Dashboard myself.

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When are "Immediate" email notifications sent?

For a Dashboard user whose email preference is set to "Immediate", an email notification is sent as soon as a new routing action is available to approve or review.

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What time of day are the "Daily" email notifications sent?

For a Dashboard user whose email preference is set to "Daily", an email notification is sent at the beginning of the work day (currently 6:00 am, but this is subject to change).

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Is there a way to specify the email address that FTU uses for my notifications (for example, using a departmental email account)?

No, MSU mail is an employee's official university business mail address. If people choose not to use their MSU mail, they can forward it to their personal/departmental address. FTU constructs email addresses based on MSU NetID, not from a list of preassigned email addresses assigned to each MSU NetID. So a user cannot designate an email address in FTU that differs from the user's MSU NetID.

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Can I forward one of my FTU emails to another person?

Any FTU email can be forwarded, but forwarding an FTU email may not achieve the results you want.

If the intent is to provide form information to someone not already on the routing slip, forwarding will not accomplish this. The links in an FTU email are only useful to an actor on the route — an approver or reviewer. If a non-actor clicks one of these links, they will have access to the FTU Dashboard but will not be allowed to view that particular routing slip or its form content.

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Some alternatives to forwarding an email are:

  • As an approver or reviewer on a routing slip, you can add this person as an Additional Approver or Reviewer (from the Dashboard Routing Slip Detail page, before you approve). But remember that the added person can hold up the route if they do not take action in the Dashboard.
  • If the person should be included on a regular basis, contact the form initiator and ask them to include this person when creating forms.
  • If the person should be approving or reviewing all forms coming through your area, discuss with your supervisor the possibility of making that person an actor on all routing slips routed to your unit.
  • You can contact the form owner (e.g. the Graduate School for GradPlan) and ask what course of action they recommend.

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An approver did not receive an FTU email notification of a pending action (for whatever reason). Can FTU resend the email to him?


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Who receives an email notification if a slip is disapproved?

If a slip is disapproved, generally only the initiator is notified. The disapproval is normally reflected in the form application.

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Do Additional Approvers receive a pending action email notification, regardless of their Email Preference?

Each additional Approver or Reviewer added in the FTU Dashboard is sent a pending action email notification based on their preferences.

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Why didn't I receive an email notification of a pending action?

Your Email preference could be set to Suppress or Daily, your email spam filter may be filtering out FTU notifications, or you are not an actor on the current routing action and will receive an email notification when the routing action related to you becomes the current action.

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Why am I getting duplicate emails for the same form?

You may receive duplicate emails for the same form because you are an approver and/or reviewer for multiple actions on that form.

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Related Services / Offerings (1)

FTU allows multiple campus units to develop electronically routed and tracked, multi-signature web forms through a consistent design interface.