Kuali Research (KR) - Central Role Descriptions

Kuali Research Central Role Descriptions
Role Name Description of Role
SPA Assistant VP This role is intended for the OSP Assistant VP. Permissions under this role include: creating, reviewing, and editing proposals and budgets; making final approvals for OSP in the KC workflow; submitting to sponsor and submitting S2S (which creates the Institutional Proposal); creating, updating, and finalizing negotiation documents; creating and editing Proposal Logs (which become Institutional Proposals); creating and modifying Awards; and viewing Subaward information.
OSP Director/Assistant Director This role is intended for staff who hold the position of Director of OSP, Assistant Director of OSP and Assistant Director of Contracts and Grants. Permissions under this role include: creating, reviewing, and editing proposals and budgets; making final approvals for OSP in the KR workflow; submitting to sponsor and submitting S2S (which creates the Institutional Proposal); creating, updating, and finalizing negotiation documents; creating and editing Proposal Logs (which become Institutional Proposals); creating and modifying Awards; and viewing Subaward information.
Business Connect Administrator This role is intended for staff who hold the position of Senior Contracts Manager, Contract & Grant/Sponsored Programs Administrator and Contract and Grant Sponsored Accountant in Business‐CONNECT and who need to negotiate the terms and conditions of awards received by the university, begin the award setup process, and route items to complete to CGA to finalize award setup in KR. Permissions under this role include creating and deleting proposals; creating and editing budgets; creating, updating, and finalizing negotiation documents; viewing several types of records and document: Proposals, Institutional Proposals, Awards, Subawards, attachments, and other module sections.
OSP Proposal This role is intended for staff who hold the position of Manager, Proposal Administrator and Accountant in OSP and who need to review proposals and budgets and are the final approval node in the KR workflow. After final approval, OSP Proposal members Submit to Sponsor and Submit S2S which creates the Institutional Proposal and sends the proposal to the sponsor, if S2S. Permissions under this role include creating, updating, and finalizing negotiation documents; creating and editing Proposal Logs (which become Institutional Proposals); and viewing Awards and Subaward information.
OSP Admin Professional This role is intended for staff who hold the position of Administrative Assistant or staff in the Front Desk Shared Services area in OSP. Permissions include creating and updating proposals, budgets, and negotiation documents; finalizing negotiation documents; creating Proposal Logs (which become Intuitional Proposals); and viewing Intuitional Proposal, Award, and Subaward information.
OSP Contract This role is intended for staff who hold the position of Contract Administrators in OSP, who negotiate the terms and conditions of awards received by the university and begin the award setup process and then will route to complete to CGA to finalize award setup in KR. Permissions include creating, updating, and finalizing negotiation documents; creating and editing Proposal Logs (which become Institutional Proposals); beginning the Award set up process; creating and modifying Awards; viewing Award and Subaward information.
OSP Systems Shared Services This role is intended for all administrative staff in the Systems Shared Services area in OSP/SPA. Members will help maintain the KR system after go‐live. Permissions under this role include creating, reviewing, and editing proposals and budgets; making final approvals for OSP in the KR workflow; submitting to sponsor and submitting S2S (which creates the Institutional Proposal); creating, updating, and finalizing negotiation documents; creating and editing Proposal Logs (which become Institutional Proposals); creating and modifying Awards; viewing Subaward information; and viewing Conflict of Interest disclosure completion and training information.
CGA Administrator This role is intended for staff who hold the position of Director, Assistant Director, Manager, Contract & Grant Administrators in CGA and who need to set up awards and assign account numbers in KFS, process award amendments/modifications, and prepare and amend subawards. They also prepare invoices and financial reports, monitor cost share, and closeout awards.
CGA Cash Management Current roles of Director, Assistant Director, Manager, Contract & Grant Administrators in Cash Management team in CGA. Members approve Research Gift proposals and deposit the gift funds in the appropriate KFS accounts.
Sponsor Template Group This role is intended for a small workgroup consisting of people from CGA and OSP to create and update the Sponsor Templates used in Award set up.
ORA Administrator This role is intended for staff who hold the position of Assistant Vice President, Director, Manager, IRB Administrator, IACUC Administrator, or other positions in ORA, who need to view Proposals, Institutional Propoals, Awards, Subawards, and related attachments for performance of their job responsibilities.
COI Administrator Current roles are made up of COI Officer and administrative office staff. Permissions include reviewing disclosures and attachments; assigning disclosures to CRC members for review; approving disclosures; and viewing Proposals, Institutional Proposals, Awards, Subawards, and related attachments.
Central Administrator Viewer This role is intended for staff in central business offices ‐‐ Finance, University Advancement, VPRGS, who need to view Proposals, Institutional Proposals, Awards, Subawards, and information related to completion of Conflict of Interest disclosures and training.
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Article ID: 2000
Tue 8/6/24 2:22 PM
Tue 8/13/24 2:05 PM

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