Enterprise Business Systems - Resources for EBS


What resources are available for help with Enterprise Business Systems (EBS)?


The EBS Help Site (link) is maintained by Human Resources and is the best source of information for all things EBS.

Access to the systems and functions within EBS are based on roles that MSU faculty, staff and retirees are assigned. You will see various tiles within EBS based on the role(s) you have been assigned.

  • The Employee Self-Service role is automatically granted based on a person's employment status, beginning on the first day of work. See information below about common issues for new employees.
  • Other roles require an electronic Access Request Memorandum (Access Request Form) to be granted.
  • For more information, including other roles available, see the Who Gets What section of the EBS Help Site (link).
  • An excellent guide on how to request access and what roles relate to what tiles is available at the EBS Help Site (link).

Additional Info

EBS uses your MSU email address and NetID password for authentication. You will also be prompted to verify your identity using a multi-factor authentication (MFA) credential.

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Related Services / Offerings (1)

The Enterprise Business Systems (EBS) Portal is the entry point to administrative systems used university-wide. Based on security roles, the EBS Portal provides MSU employees and retirees access to their unique combination of authorized administrative systems. Embedded as part of MSU’s HR/Payroll System, it provides direct access to various human resources functions.