D2L - How to Set Up Group Submissions for Students to Peer-Review Their Work - For Instructors


Intended for Instructors, following these steps will set up a method for students in a D2L course to submit and peer-review their work as a group.



Following these steps will set up a method for students in a D2L course to submit and peer-review their work as a group.



Before You Begin

There are two methods to accomplish this task:

  • Set up a topic in a group discussion forum (Recommended); or
  • Set up a group assignment.


To set up a group topic where students can share their files with their group (Recommended):

  1. Select Communication > Discussions
  2. All topics must be part of a forum.  If needed, to create a new forum, select the blue New button and choose New Forum
    • The title of the Forum is required.  A description is helpful but not necessary.
    • There are Availability and Locking options to restrict when the forum is visible and when users can post to it
    • Forums can be open to all students, or restricted by group, just like topics.  This is set in the Restrictions tab
  3. Once a forum exists, select the down-arrow next to the forum title and choose Add Topic
  4. Select Group or section topic, this way each group will essentially have their own copy of the topic - each group will only see their own posts and will not see posts from other groups.
  5. The Title is required; the description is helpful but not necessary.
  6. Select any appropriate Availability or Locking options to set when the topic should be viewable and when students should be able to create threads or post to it.
  7. Now that the forum on topic are set up, the students can follow the instructions in this article (link) to attach files for their peers to review.

To create a group assignment:

  1. Select Assessments > Assignments
  2. Select the blue New Assignment button
  3. Enter a Name and Instructions for the assignment
  4. Scroll down to the Submission, Completion, and Categorization section
  5. Select the Group assignment radio button
  6. Choose the appropriate Group Category from the drop-down box
  7. Leave the Submission type drop-down as the default: File submission
  8. Enter any other desired parameters, scoring, restrictions, etc
  9. Select the blue Save and Close button at the bottom

Additional Info





Article ID: 748
Tue 3/7/23 10:22 AM
Fri 5/10/24 4:07 PM

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