Change Enablement - Change Deferment and Pauses Process


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Why are Deferments Necessary?

Deferment windows are implemented to prevent disruptions during critical periods, such as the start of a semester or final exams. By deferring Changes, we can ensure that educational technology remains uninterrupted during these key times. This practice underscores the commitment to prioritizing stakeholders' needs, providing educators and students with the reassurance that no unexpected complications will arise during essential moments of the academic year.

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What is the difference between Change Deferment and Change Pause?

  • Change Deferments are restrictions on updates, upgrades, and other actions affecting academic technology during periods when outages could disrupt teaching and learning. During deferment, Changes require Director approval to proceed.
  • Change Pause is a period when Changes undergo additional scrutiny in consideration of our business partners.

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What steps should I take to implement a Change during deferment?

Obtain Director-level approval for all Changes, including Standard Changes (includes formerly known as standard business-as-usual (BAU) Changes). The only Change type not requiring Director approval is an Emergency Break/Fix. Emergency Changes will follow the ECAB workflow in TDX.  For more information regarding Change Management, visit: the Change Management Process Guide

  1. Locate the TDX Change Order submission email
  2. Forward the email to your Director seeking approval to perform the Change during deferment
  3. If approved, attach the email to the Change Order
    1. From the Change Order, locate the Attachment field and click the +
    2. Select the Browse button
    3. Select the attachment and click Open
    4. Select Upload

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How should I handle a vendor Change during deferment?

If a global update is implemented by the vendor, it may not be possible to postpone the update until after the deferment period. Please reach out to your communications manager to discuss a communication plan in the event of an outage.

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Can I reschedule my approved Change Order within the Change Deferment window?

Yes, however, you must check the Change Calendar to ensure it doesn’t conflict with another scheduled Change, and obtain your Director’s approval to attach to the Change Order.

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How can I tell if we are in a Change deferment or pause?

  1. Refer to the Change Calendar in TDXNext or visit the Change Calendar:
  2. Also, another indication will be displayed when creating the maintenance task. The Detected Conflicts field will display either the deferment window or the pause. 

Change Deferment:


Change Pause:


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What steps should I follow when using scheduled tickets to submit Changes?

Update the start and end dates and times. Additionally, modify the maintenance activity to reflect the correct schedule. Make sure you have obtained and attached the Director's email for approval.

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I support Federated IT; should I adhere to the Change Deferment process?

Yes.  Please forward the TDX Change Order submission to Rich Czarnecki, cc' Lee Auge and Kelly Wilcox.  Refer to What steps should I take to implement a Change during deferment?.

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Who should I contact if I need a Change Pause or have additional questions?

Please reach out to Kelly Wilcox for assistance.

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