GoogleApps - Using Google Hangouts


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Google Chat is available through MSU Google Apps for Education (link). Chat is an instant messaging and video chat platform that allows messages and conversations between two or more Chat users.

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Signing in to Google Chat

Selecting your chosen service at may automatically send you to the MSU log-in screen. If Google sends you to the the Google log-in instead of the MSU log-in, follow these instructions:

  1. Enter your full email address that ends with "" into the email field.
  2. Leave the password field blank.
  3. Click Sign in.
  4. Google will bounce you over to the MSU Sign-in page.
  5. Log-in to your MSU account.

Android users note: MSU uses Single Sign-On (SSO) which requires a synchronization procedures on Android devices. See Google's setup instructions (link).

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Browser compatibility

The service provided through MSU Google Apps can be accessed online with a computer and through a mobile app (Android and iOS devices).

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Concerns and considerations

The following have been identified as concerns or considerations for campus personnel using Chat through MSU Google Apps:

  • Sign in / sign out considerations - you can't sign in to multiple accounts through the same Chat application on your computer. However, the use of Google Profiles may offer a solution for users who wish to use multiple accounts at the same time. See Google's sign in/out support article (link) for more information.
  • Users who have a personal Chat account may find that the Chat sign-in/authorization is "sticky". Using Exit and Sign-Out from the Chat menu will not necessarily result in being automatically redirected to the sign-in screen for a subsequent sign-in. Chat can continue to run as authorized in the system tray when Chrome is closed similar to how Google Drive runs without having to log-in. The recommended way to force log out is to visit (link) in Chrome.
  • Conversations are not limited to MSU Google Apps users. A warning displays when initiating a conversation with a Google account outside the user domain. Please be aware that Google's personal accounts terms of service apply to these conversations rather than the more restrictive TOS under MSU Google Apps.

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Related Services / Offerings (1)

Google Apps for Education Edition, supporting Google Docs, Google Calendar and Google Sites. Access to these services is via MSU NetIDs and Passwords (IT Services' IdM Team).