Spartan Mail - How Faculty/Staff Can Configure Outlook to Send from a Specific Email Address


Following these steps will allow you to send emails from multiple accounts from one instance of Outlook.


Spartan Mail

Before You Begin

You will first need the ITS Messaging team to enable this for your account. Submit a service request stating:

I need to be able to send my email from multiple email aliases for my account. Please create  contacts for the following email aliases in my account, forward those aliases to my email account, and allow my NetID permission to "send as" those contacts so I can perform this function. These aliases for the contacts are <mynetid> and <mynetid>


  1. Open Outlook
  2. Click New Email
  3. Click Options and then click the From option so "From" will display when sending your emails.

  4. Select the drop down from From and select Other E-mail Address.

  5. Enter the desired additional "from" address and click Ok.
  6. When sending an email select the desired from address for each email before you send it.

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Related Services / Offerings (1)

Spartan Mail and related Spartan 365 software, including applications located at and downloaded Office applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook), are provided to students while they attend the university and to faculty and staff members while they are employed by the university.