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Additional Services Available
The MSU OGC (Office of General Counsel) has approved to provide additional services for MSU students, faculty, and staff. These additional services include:
- Google Ads (formerly AdWords),
- Google Analytics,
- Google Groups,
- Google Maps,
- Google Programmable Search Engine
- Google Scholar, and
- Google Takeout
MSU is now authorized to grant users access to Google Scholar and / or Google Takeout using their '' address. Prior to this change, personal Gmail accounts were required.
Users requesting access to Google Scholar should be aware that each request will be evaluated and approved on a case-by-case basis.
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Requesting Access to the Additional Services
Access to these additional services is requested on an individual basis.
MSU users that need to communicate with outside MSU domains can request Google Groups.
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Signing in to the Additional Services
After being granted access and signing into your Google Apps account, click on the waffle button and look for the icon of the additional service you want to use. This is the recommended way to sign in to your additional Google services. Some of the services have additional steps to complete the first time you log in successfully.
Google Ads

- To sign in to Google Ads, please look for the icon above from the waffle menu (recommended), or use the following link: Google Ads (link)
- You will be brought to the Google Ads start page. You can click on either Start Now button to begin using Google Ads.
- You will begin by starting a new campaign for your first login. When completed you will have full access to monitor your Google Ads account.
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Google Analytics
- To access Google Analytics, please refer to the following link: Google Analytics
- Select the Sign in to Analytics button at the top right of the page.
- You must complete account setup before using Google Analytics. Select the Start Measuring button and you will be able to proceed with account setup.
- After the account is set up you will have full access to monitor your Google Analytics account.
IMPORTANT: Please note the privacy policy below for Google Analytics. This needs to be included in every site that you use Google Analytics:
MSU uses third-party analytics services (such as Google Analytics) to evaluate and aggregate visitor data. These services help us evaluate Visitors’ use of the Website, including time spent on certain pages, which areas of the Website receive the most traffic, how often visitors visit pages within the Website, and also provide general geographic location about visitors, the source of referred traffic (from other websites, vs search engines, etc). These third-party analytic services use cookies and other technologies to help analyze and provide us the data. By visiting and using the Website, you consent to the collection and review of data about you by these analytics providers in the manner and for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. For more information on Google Analytics, including how to opt out from certain data collection, please visit If you opt out of any service, you may not enjoy the full functionality of the Website.
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Google Groups

- To access Google Groups, please look for the icon above in the waffle menu (recommended) or use the following link: Google Groups
- You should be brought to the My groups page and you will have full access to monitor your Google Groups account.
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Google Maps

- To access Google Maps, please look for the icon above in the waffle menu (recommended) or use the following link: Google Maps
- You will be brought to the Map page.
- You will have full access to monitor your Google Maps account.
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Google Programmable Search Engine
- To access Google Programmable Search Engine, please use the following link: Google Programmable Search Engine
- You will be brought to the Google Programmable Search Engine start page. You can click on either Get Started button to begin using the Google Programmable Search Engine.
- You will be brought to the Programmable Search Page. You will have full access to monitor your Google Programmable Search Engine account.
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