Website No Longer Accessible From On-campus


  • A needed website is not accessible while connected to the MSU network, but can be reached from other network connections, like mobile data or from off-campus.


  • All internet browsers


  • Check for a security block (link) and submit a request for reconsideration. Once approved, access to your site will be unblocked within a short (less than an hour usually) period.


  • MSU works with vendors and security tools to use scans to reduce online risk to the campus community. If your web site suddenly ceases to be accessible from the MSU campus network, it may be blocked as a site that is potentially hazardous or hosting possible malicious content and such.


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Related Services / Offerings (2)

MSU Information Technology offers network consulting, engineering, and installation services for MSU departments and units on and off campus. Network services include wired and wireless network design and installation.
Wireless Networking Service provided by MSU.