The architecture, installation, and operation of infrastructure items required to offer network connectivity, such as network cabling, routers, and firewalls. Includes connecting devices (including Internet of Things devices) to the network, network access management, securing access to networks, and appropriate authentication (e.g., network registration systems, VPN, and NAC).

Articles (63)

Virtual Private Network (VPN) - Main Article List

All the top VPN articles gathered together in one place for easy access.

Domain Name System (DNS) - What Will and Will Not Resolve With Private DNS

Campus VPN uses Campus DNS for name resolution as it authoritatively manages public namespace for * To make DNS names resolvable by Campus VPN clients, the hostname must be resolvable by either Campus DNS or the general public Internet.

Eduroam - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

This article contains some basic information about what Eduroam is and how it works.

Eduroam - What is the Difference Between MSU Guest and Eduroam Wireless Connections

This article provides an overview of the differences between connecting to the MSU Guest and Eduroam WiFi connection.

Network - Access for Conferences and Events at MSU

The following information is primarily for the departments/units who host guests or conferences. Individual campus guests (such as hotel guests) are advised to take advantage of MSUnet Wireless Guest, or to contact the sponsoring department/unit.

Network - Central Network Time Protocol (NTP) Settings

This document provides information about network settings for systems that require manual configuration.

Network - Configuring Campus Firewalls for DHCP Users

This article describes how to configure campus firewalls.

Network - Ethernet and Wireless Network Coverage for Spartan Village and University Village

University Village has wireless and ethernet in all buildings and rooms. Spartan Village has ethernet, but certain buildings do not have wireless access.

Network - General Infomation About Network Speeds at MSU

This article details the speeds possible on MSU networks.

Network - General Information About Security Devices On The Campus Network

This article provides information about campus internet security.

Network - Private WiFi Address Setting Preventing MSUNet Access

The use of a private network address, aka random MAC or random hardware address with MSUNet 3.0 is not recommended.

Network - Sample DHCP Block Screenshot - Internal Only

This article provides a screenshot of a blocked DHCP address.

Network - Switch Standards for MSUnet

The article lists specifications that are the recommended standard for any new switch that is being purchased.

Virtual Private Network (VPN) - What Are the Access Levels for the VPN at MSU?

Previously, VPN roles were based on a user's association with MSU (Student, faculty, staff, etc). The new VPN roles have been re-organized to simplified access levels as this focuses on what is being accessed instead.

Virtual Private Network (VPN) - What Do I Need Before I Can Use the VPN at MSU?

The F5 Campus VPN is integrated with MSU's Unified Login (Okta), requires multi-factor Authentication (MFA), and also requires having anti-virus software installed.

Firewall - How To Request and / or Escalate Requests for Managed Firewalls

This article details how to request a managed firewall request. It sets completion expectations and tells how to escalate urgent requests.

Firewall - Requesting Bulk Firewall Changes

This article will guide you through how to request multiple firewall changes in one submission using an uploaded spreadsheet based on the template available from this article.

How to Disable IPv6 on MacOS and Windows (Network)

Following these steps will disable IPv6 on your device.

Network - How To Connect to the Guest Wireless Network at MSU

MSU offers guest wireless access to people visiting MSU that doesn't require registering their devices to connect. Following these instructions will get you connected.

Network - How to Determine Your IP Address

This article details multiple methods to determine what IP address your computer is using.

Network - How To Find the MAC Address for a Device

These instructions will help you locate the MAC address for your device, which is needed when registering to connect it to MSU's network.

Network - How To Register Your Device for DHCP and Get Connected

After completing these steps you will have registered your device and connected it to MSU's network.

Network - How to Request a Static IP Address

This article details the process in which IP Administrators can request new/changes to static IP addresses within their department/building units.

Network - How to Setup a Wireless Router to Use in MSU Housing Not Served by MSUNet

Following these steps will register and connect a wireless router for use in a MSU Residence Hall.

Virtual Private Network (VPN) - How to Request Access to the VPN at MSU

Following the steps below will request access to the Virtual Private Network (VPN) at MSU.

Virtual Private Network (VPN) - How To Use SMS Text Messaging or Voice Call 2FA Credentials to Connect to the VPN

Following these steps will verify your identity for two-factor authentication (2FA) using either a SMS text or Voice Call as your credential when connecting to MSU's VPN.

Eduroam - How to Connect to Eduroam Wireless on a Windows Device

Following these steps will connect your Windows device to the Eduroam wireless network.

Network - How To Clear Your DNS Cache on Windows

Following these steps will clear the DNS cache on your Windows machine. This is a common troubleshooting step for various website issues.

Virtual Private Network (VPN) - How to Connect to the VPN at MSU on Windows

This will guide you through connecting a Windows device to the virtual private network (VPN) at MSU for the first time.

Virtual Private Network (VPN) - How to Download the Optional Windows Thick Client for VPN at MSU

Following these steps will download and install the Windows BIG-IP Edge client used to connect to the virtual private network (VPN) at MSU.

Eduroam - Connecting to Eduroam Wireless for Mac

This document provides instructions on how to configure a Mac device to connect using Eduroam WiFi.

Network - How To Clear Your DNS Cache on macOS

Following these steps will clear the DNS cache on your macOS machine. This is a common troubleshooting step for various website issues.

Virtual Private Network (VPN) - How to Connect to the VPN at MSU on macOS

This will guide you through connecting a macOS device to the virtual private network (VPN) at MSU for the first time.

Virtual Private Network (VPN) - How to Download the Optional macOS Thick Client for VPN at MSU

Following these steps will download and install the macOS BIG-IP Edge client used to connect to the virtual private network (VPN) at MSU.

Network - Modifying your Hosts File on Linux

This article provides information on how to modify your hosts file on Linux

Virtual Private Network (VPN) - Setting up the F5 Campus VPN for Linux

This article details how to connect to the BIG-IP (F5) VPN using a Linux Client. There is no thick client available to download, it is all browser-based.

Eduroam - How to Connect to Eduroam Wireless on an iOS Device

This article provides instructions on how to connect Eduroam using an iOS device

Virtual Private Network (VPN) - Setting up the VPN for Apple iOS

This article details how to install the BIG-IP Edge VPN client on a device running Apple iOS.

F5 Campus VPN - Setting up the F5 Campus VPN for Android

This article details how to install the BIG-IP Edge VPN Client on a device running Android

Network - How to Connect to Eduroam Wireless on an Android Device

This article provides instructions on how to connect Eduroam using an Android.

Eduroam - Troubleshooting Eduroam Wireless Issues

If you are having trouble authenticating to campus wireless using Eduroam, the following solutions may help.

Network - Correcting Issues with Misconfigured Personal Routers

Wired and wireless routers allow users to connect multiple networked devices to the MSU network, giving each device access to the Internet. However, in certain situations the configuration of the router will interfere with the campus network.

Network - Difficulty Connecting to MSU Residence Halls Ethernet

This article provides information about how to troubleshoot and report ethernet issues at MSU Residence Halls

Network - Troubleshooting IP Addresses

On rare occasions, a user will have a IP address, which is the standard IP address used for a loopback network connection. The computer is communicating with itself.

Network - Troubleshooting Guide for Windows and macOS Devices Receiving 169.* IP Addresses

How to troubleshoot when a device is unable to connect to the network successfully and is receiving an IP address beginning with 169 (169.x.x.x).

Network Spam and Viral Activity Notifications and Unblock Instructions

This document will explain the steps that are necessary to restore your connection when your connection has been blocked due to virus infection and activity (SPAM/UCE, network probes, etc).

Virtual Private Network (VPN) - Error: "{{ 'securitycode.title' | translate }}"

When trying to authenticate using two-factor (2FA) to connect to the VPN, you receive an error: "{{ 'securitycode.title' | translate }}".

Virtual Private Network (VPN) - Error: "Not Authorized"

When attempting to connect to the VPN using the BIG-IP Edge Client or connecting at you receive an error: "Not Authorized".

Virtual Private Network (VPN) - Failed Anti-Virus Check While Connecting to VPN

When attempting to connect to the VPN you get a message that you have failed the anti-virus check.

Virtual Private Network (VPN) - VPN Seems to Disconnect Randomly While Using the BIG-IP Edge Client

While using the BIG-IP Edge Client to connect to the VPN, it seems to disconnect randomly after a period of time.

Virtual Private Network (VPN) - While Connected to VPN You Cannot Connect Services Like FileShare or Outlook

While connected to the VPN you are not able to access services like FileShare or Outlook.

Website Error: "Sorry, an Error Has Occurred"

This article describes how to handle a website issue that is being blocked by the Website Application Firewall (WAF/ASW). Callers may say they received the error message "Sorry, an error has occurred" starting with "Incident ID," (IncidentID) or "ASW".

Website No Longer Accessible From On-campus

Due to security tools and protections, sites that are detected with possible malicious content may cease to be accessible from the campus network.

Virtual Private Network (VPN) - Error: "An error has occurred in the script on this page."

A script error has been reported when trying to connect their VPN client.

Virtual Private Network (VPN) - How to Perform a Master Reset on Windows to Resolve VPN Issues

This article will cover the process of performing a Master Reset to resolve most VPN issues

Virtual Private Network (VPN) - VPN Connection Drops and You Cannot Connect to Any Websites or Systems on Windows

After connecting to the F5 VPN it disconnects after a short period of time, or you're unable to connect to any websites, systems, etc. after connecting.

ESET - Mac with ESET Installed Does Not Prompt Logins for Wi-Fi at Hotels, Airports, Coffee Shops

A Mac with ESET installed does not prompt user to sign in to Wi-Fi "Captive Portal" at Hotels, Airports, and Coffee Shops. Until this is fixed, this article details a workaround solution.

F5 Campus VPN - How to Perform a Master Reset on macOS to Resolve VPN Issues

If the F5 VPN, on macOS, does not connect or you can't connect to the "" website using Safari, these steps may help.

Virtual Private Network (VPN) - Issues and Troubleshooting Guide for for macOS

This article provides suggestions for some F5 VPN issues and basic troubleshooting steps to take to resolve them on macOS.