Knowledge Management - How To Process a Knowledge Article Approaching its Review Date in TeamDynamix


Following these steps will review an article in the TDX Knowledge Base to prepare it for approval and re-publishing if necessary.



Before You Begin

All articles are subject to a six month review period. Periodic reminders are sent to the groups that own the articles and are responsible for their content. The process below is intended for users that do not have publishing rights directly in the Knowledge Base. The process is:

  1. A Review Date is established for the article, usually 6 months out from the creation date.
  2. Two weeks before the Review Date, an automated email notification is sent to the Owning Group members.
  3. The Owning Group reviews the article.
  4. A Publisher double-checks the proposed changes (if any) and updates the article as suggested.


  1. Open the Knowledge Article to be reviewed. The simplest way to do this is by selecting the link from the reminder email.
  2. Select Edit Article to open the article in editing mode.
  3. Read the full article and specifically determine if it is:
    1. Relevant
      • Is this article still needed?
      • Is the information applicable to what users are doing today and in the future?
    2. Accurate
      • Is the information correct as stated in the article?
      • Are all hyperlinks identified and correct?
    3. Easy to Use
      • Does the article follow the templates? If not, is it still easy to follow?
      • Is the article too wordy?
      • Are lists used effectively if needed?
  4. Fix identified inaccuracies and ease of use issues
  5. When satisfied with the changes, or if none are needed, type "Review complete." in the Draft Summary field, followed by brief notes about any changes you made, or if none were needed. Examples:
    • Review complete. No changes needed.
    • Review complete. Article no longer relevant, please archive.
    • Review complete. Updated the screen shot and the instructions to match the new version of the software.
  6. Select Save as Draft.
  7. You're done! The review is complete and is on to the approval stage.

Additional Info

Articles that are beyond their Review Date are monitored by the Knowledge Management team who will conduct follow ups to ensure the process is completed in a timely manner.

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Knowledge Management (KM) is the process to identify, create, represent, distribute, and enable adoption of learning experiences. Such learning experiences encompass knowledge, either embodied in individuals or embedded in organizational standards and practices.