Search23 Results

All articles are subject to a six month review period. This article goes over the process of reviewing them at that time.
Following the steps in this article will determine the category where a new knowledge article should be created.
This will guide you through the process of creating a new knowledge article in MSU IT's TeamDynamix system.
This article gives guidance to how knowledge articles should be structured and written in the TeamDynamix Knowledge Base.
The recommended way to search for Knowledge Articles in the Knowledge Base is to use the search field in the top-right of the Client Portal.
Emails sent with any of the conditions listed in this article will be prevented from creating a ticket in TeamDynamix. This is meant to sanitize inputs and prevent competing auto-replies from creating infinite loops in processing.
Following these steps will submit a request to add a new Configuration Item to TeamDynamix
Following these steps will update the time entered on a ticket in the TeamDynamix system.
When no longer needed, articles are archived to removed them from active view. They still remain in the system, but will not be broadly accessible to customers.
What templates are available to use in Knowledge Articles and how are they used?
TeamDynamix allows certain operators to modify searches and refine results from the Client Portal and Knowledge Base. This article covers what is available for the Full Search option.
TeamDynamix weights searches based on several criteria, which are described in this article.
Articles are ordered first by article type, then by the device / OS at issue, then alphabetically within those groups.
Details about tags in the Knowledge Base and how they should be used.