Network - Central Network Time Protocol (NTP) Settings


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The following information is useful for certain network configurations that require manual settings for Network Time Protocol (NTP).  The correct NTP settings are critical to ensuring that your system clock is synchronized, e.g. for logging and access to network storage or other network services.

In most cases, the network time settings will be preconfigured with your operating system and will not need to be adjusted.  The most common reasons to adjust these settings would be for servers or other internal devices which do not have direct access to Internet time services, i.e., on a private network.  It may also be desirable to use these settings on servers in MSU campus data centers.

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NTP Server Information

MSU Central NTP servers are intended to be used only on the campus network and are not available for off-campus use. When needed for manual configuration, use the domain name

If it is necessary to use IP addresses rather than a domain name for your NTP settings, use these addresses: and

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Off-Campus NTP

For devices or servers which will be used off-campus, a public NTP service should be used.  The services from,, and/or are recommended.

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