Spartan 365 - How To Delete Old Emails With Inbox Rules


Following these steps will create a rule in your Spartan Mail account you can use to mass delete all emails from before a specific date.


Spartan Mail (

Before You Begin



  1. Log in to using your MSU email address and password
  2. Select the gear icon in the top right corner of the window
  3. Select View all Outlook settings
  4. Select Mail
  5. Select Rules
  6. Select + Add new rule
  7. In the first field, enter a name for your rule
  8. Select the dropdown under Add a condition and choose Before, under Received
  9. Enter the date where all emails from before that will be deleted
  10. Select the dropdown under Add an action and choose Delete, under Organize
  11. OPTIONAL - if you want the rule to run immediately, check Run rule now
  12. Select Save
  13. You're done! You can now run the rule at any time by selecting the run icon next to the rule you created.

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Related Services / Offerings (1)

Spartan Mail and related Spartan 365 software, including applications located at and downloaded Office applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook), are provided to students while they attend the university and to faculty and staff members while they are employed by the university.