What is Happening?
To assist with safe computing and best security practices, during the resolution of an account credentials compromise, the requirement to use the MSU Okta Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for log in to Spartan 365 services such as email is [permanently] enabled.
MFA not enabled in Tools365 'Mail' tab

MFA enabled in the Tools365 'Mail' tab

Why is this Happening?
We do this because the security and safety of login credentials is of paramount importance to MSU. This is to help ensure that your MSU online presence, electronic accounts, credentials, data, and digital assets remain safe. As an educational organization, we also want to encourage the use of best practices and good security habits. Enabling Okta MFA on your MSU Spartan 365 account increases the security and safety of your account and reduces the risk of your MSU account credentials being compromised in the future by an estimated 99.9%.
A number of cybersecurity research studies have shown that email is still the most targeted channel used for cyber crime, that 1 in 5 individuals have been a victim of identity theft, and that computer users who have been victims of cyber crime in the past are more likely to be targeted by cyber criminals again in the future.
Learn More
For more information about MSU IT Security Best Practices, please see MSU's SecureIT website.