Spartan 365 - How To Set Retention Policies for a Folder in Spartan Mail


Office 365 retention policies can be used to automatically delete e-mail older than a specified time, such as 6 months, 1 year, 5 years, etc. This can be very useful for folders where you save information from listservs or other information that is time sensitive and/or not critical.

Following these steps will apply a retention policy to a mail folder in your account.


Spartan Mail

Before You Begin

Users may choose to apply personal retention policies to automatically delete e-mail from non-system folders. This includes all folders except:

  • Deleted Items,
  • Drafts,
  • Inbox,
  • Junk Mail, and
  • Sent Items


  1. Go to (link).
  2. In the Inbox, expand the folder view.
  3. Right-click on the mail folder that you want to apply a retention policy to.
  4. Click Assign policy and select the policy you want to apply.
  5. You're done! You have assigned a retention policy to the selected mail folder.

Additional Info


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