GoogleApps - How To Move Files From Google Drive with Google Takeout


Following these steps will create a link to a compressed file (called a zip file) containing the files you want to move from Google Drive.


Google Drive

Before You Begin



  1. Go to (link).
  2. Create a new export by first selecting Deselect All.
  3. Scroll down the page and select Drive.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Next.
  5. The next screen is to pick the destination for the files. From the drop down menu, select Send download link via email.
  6. Select Create Export.
  7. You should see an Export progress section on the next screen.
  8. When the export is complete, you should receive an email containing a link to download the zip file.

Additional Info

Documents that are native to Google (Docs, Sheets, etc.) will be converted to a format that is compatible with Microsoft Office products like Word and Excel. Your only other option for retrieving these types of files is to download them manually through the Google Docs website.

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Related Services / Offerings (1)

Google Apps for Education Edition, supporting Google Docs, Google Calendar and Google Sites. Access to these services is via MSU NetIDs and Passwords (IT Services' IdM Team).