Kaltura MediaSpace - My MediaSpace Video Isn't Visible to Others


You have a MediaSpace video you wish to share with others, but they are not able to see it.


Kaltura MediaSpace


You can fix this issue by either publishing the video, or by creating and sharing a private link

To publish the video:

  1. Navigate to mediaspace.msu.edu
  2. In the upper-right corner of the page, select Guest and choose Login
  3. Log in using your NetID and password
  4. Select My Media
  5. Select the video to open its details page
  6. Select Actions and choose Publish
  7. Choose the appropriate access category and save the changes

To share a private link:

  1. Navigate to the module in D2L
  2. Select Upload/Create, and Create a File
  3. Add a title, and select the first icon in the html editor, labeled Insert Stuff
  4. Select My Media, find the video, and click to the right of the video, and click next
  5. Click Insert and Publish




Article ID: 834
Thu 3/16/23 4:50 PM
Tue 8/8/23 1:02 PM

Related Services / Offerings (2)

MediaSpace is a cloud based web service developed by Kaltura which facilitates the conversion and distribution of various audio and video media formats.