Spartan 365 - Collaborating Using SharePoint, OneDrive, and Teams – Setting Favorites, Syncing Files, and Receiving Alerts when Documents Change


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Steps that can make it easier to collaborate with SharePoint, Teams, and One Drive

  • Setting a favorite so the shared files are visible in One Drive without searching
  • Receiving notifications when something changes in the folder(s) where you are collaborating. Email or SMS alerts can be setup to notify you when changes are made immediately, daily, or weekly.
  • Syncing One Drive files to your Computer

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Making files shared by others easier to find in One Drive

  1. Login to with your and your NetID password.
  2. Click SharePoint.
  3. Search for the name of the Information or Folder that has been shared. In the example below we will search for a folder called "university services migration". Once you find the folder you desire, click on that folder to be taken to the folder location in SharePoint.
  4. Click and highlight the Following star.
  5. After following a site in SharePoint, that site will now be visible as a favorite when viewing your files from OneDrive.

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Receiving Alerts when files are changed

To receive notification when items change in a specific folder:

  1. When viewing the folder in SharePoint, select the 3 dots (…) in the menu bar and then select Alert me
  2. Select the type of Alert (e-mail or SMS), specifications for the alert, alert frequency, and then click OK.

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Viewing files thru One Drive and Syncing them to your Computer

After a folder has been set as a favorite in SharePoint it will be visible in your One Drive favorite locations.

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Related Services / Offerings (1)

Spartan Mail and related Spartan 365 software, including applications located at and downloaded Office applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook), are provided to students while they attend the university and to faculty and staff members while they are employed by the university.