Spartan Mail - Error: "Your email couldn't be forwarded from <your MSU email address> to another email address."


If your MSU email account is forwarded to another system, the receiving system could reject email delivery if the message was forwarded thru another email system.  If you are forwarding your email, you should expect this type of situation to increase in the future as these restrictions are implemented by more and more companies.

The way you may know this has happened is you may get an email with an error message saying an email sent to you could not be delivered (example below):

Your email couldn't be forwarded from to another email address.
Sparty ( <> Your message wasn't delivered because the recipient's email provider rejected it. gave this error:
Access denied, sending domain [SomeCompany.ORG] does not pass DMARC verification and has a DMARC policy of reject. [ 2023-09-19T06:12:06.598Z 08DBB829F7AEFD1A] [ 2023-09-19T06:12:06.692Z 08DBB86E203389BF] [ 2023-09-19T06:12:06.687Z 08DBB46E5EFBE499]


Spartan Mail
This is not an issue for current faculty and staff because they are not permitted to forward their email. Currently only students and retirees are allowed to forward their email.


  • MSU does not recommend forwarding email from your MSU account. Forwarding is prohibited for current faculty and staff but currently still allowed for students and retirees. If you do not forward your account, you will not have this issue.
  • If you are an MSU student or retiree and wish to continue to forward email from your MSU account, you should contact any companies that you interact with (specifically financial/credit card companies, banks, and healthcare) and have them update their records so they only email you at an email address that is not forwarding to other system.
  • Additional information is available from Microsoft.


Many companies (specifically financial/credit card companies, banks, and healthcare) are now being required to set stringent email policies to make sure that email sent from their systems are being delivered to the intended recipient.

If your MSU email account is forwarded to another system, the receiving system could reject email delivery if the message was forwarded thru another email system.  If you are forwarding your email, you should expect this type of situation to increase in the future as these restrictions are implemented by more and more companies.

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Related Services / Offerings (1)

Spartan Mail and related Spartan 365 software, including applications located at and downloaded Office applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook), are provided to students while they attend the university and to faculty and staff members while they are employed by the university.