Following these steps will activate the guest access granted to you by a student
Student information contained in SIS Campus Solutions (student.msu.edu)
Before You Begin
The student must have set up access for you by following the steps in this article (link) before you can activate it. You will receive an email from sis@msu.edu once the student has granted you guest access.
Due to FERPA, MSU staff CANNOT authorize access to student records without the student's consent, which they signal during the access setup process.
- Go to MSU Guest Access (link) on tech.msu.edu
- Complete all three parts under Registration Instructions:
- After completing all 3 parts from tech.msu.edu, go to SIS Guest Access (link) and open the PDF instructions called Guests - Instructions for Setting Up Guest Access
- Follow the instructions in the PDF, starting at Part 2: Initial Login to MSUs Student Information System
Part 1: Register for Guest Account is covered by the tech.msu.edu instructions you already completed to get here
- You're done! You should now have access to the information your student authorized.
Additional Info